Get Involved
Ways to Take Action
No matter who you are, there is a role for you in this initiative. We need support and engagement from individuals, organizations, and communities alike to reach our goal and make Vermont the best place to learn and to work. Below are a few ideas to inspire action and inform efforts. We can’t do this without you.
Use the Big Goal to align your programs to the indicators, data sources and goals
Educate your network about the Big Goal and the role of your organization in moving the needle on one or more of the indicators
Advocate for effective policies or funding that advance the Big Goal
Set school or district goals that align with the state’s postsecondary attainment goal as apart of your strategic planning
Link to the Big Goal from your website
Share stories of how your school or district is making progress toward the goals
Ensure that faculty and staff are given training and tools to support student exploration or completion of postsecondary education and training programs
Make policy decisions based on whether or not those decisions will help close the achievement gap and make progress toward the state’s postsecondary attainment goal
Evaluate policy using the Big Goal. Make policy decisions based on whether or not those decisions will help close the achievement gap and make progress toward the shared goals
Ensure high quality data is accessible
Issue a proclamation in support of the Big Goal and statewide goals
Review your local data
Set goals for your community
Focus your education initiatives towards reaching 70 percent by 2025
Use the Big Goal to focus your education initiatives
Celebrate success stories in your communities at your city or town council meetings
Link to Advance Vermont’s data dashboard and review local data
Use the Big Goal to align your programs to the indicators, data sources and goals
Educate your network about the Big Goal and the role of your organization in moving the needle on one or more of the indicators
Advocate for effective policies or funding that advance the state’s postsecondary attainment goal
Fund programs or initiatives that drive progress toward the state’s attainment goal
Collaborate with other funders to drive funding or policy change toward the attainment goal
Partner with your local community college to meet your workforce needs
Create or expand programs supporting employees pursuing education and training
Focus your charitable giving toward programs or initiatives that advance the Big Goal
Give your employees the flexibility to volunteer in local schools
Join a school or district’s community council
Host an internship or apprenticeship program
Set school or district goals that align with the state’s postsecondary attainment goal as apart of your strategic planning
Link to the Big Goal from your website
Share stories of how your school or district is making progress toward the goals
Ensure that faculty and staff are given training and tools to support student exploration or completion of postsecondary education and training programs
Make policy decisions based on whether or not those decisions will help close the achievement gap and make progress toward the state’s postsecondary attainment goal
Evaluate policy using the Big Goal. Make policy decisions based on whether or not those decisions will help close the achievement gap and make progress toward the shared goals
Ensure high quality education and workforce development data is accessible
Issue a proclamation in support of the Big Goal and statewide goals
Review your local data
Set goals for your community
Focus your education initiatives towards reaching 70 percent by 2025
Use the Big Goal to focus your education initiatives
Celebrate success stories in your communities at your city or town council meetings
Link to Advance Vermont’s data dashboard and review local data
Use the Big Goal to align your programs to the indicators, data sources and goals
Educate your network about the Big Goal and the role of your organization in moving the needle on one or more of the indicators
Advocate for effective policies or funding that advance the state’s postsecondary attainment goal
Fund programs or initiatives that drive progress toward the state’s attainment goal
Collaborate with other funders to drive funding or policy change toward the attainment goal
Ready to join our partnership?
Want to learn more?
We want to hear from you.
We’re always looking to help make connections, support innovative projects, and get behind good work.